Preprosto mi

Preprosto jaz: Beverley Layzell

Pomočnica v angleškem jeziku v Vrhniški in Gorenjski hiši otrok

Let’s meet our native English speaker – Bev.

Hi, I’m Bev. I’m a born and bred Londoner who, along with my partner, Tom, tired of the London rat race and sought a new life in Slovenia. We have two children who attend the local primary school. Their favourite subject is English – no surprise there then

My background is in IT, business analysis and programme management. You may be thinking that it’s a far cry from working with preschool children but is it? Leading large groups of people through organisational and technological change is not dissimilar to facilitating the major developmental leaps that children undergo whilst, at the same time, trying to make sense of the world around them.

I work in English and assist the Montessori staff across both groups. Using the space and materials we have at our disposal, as well as the child’s exploration utilising all their senses, English language becomes part of the harmony around us. I’m a big kid at heart and love to dance, sing and read. Needless to say, these are my hobbies so it’s great to be able to bring them to work with me and enjoy them with our little ones.

I’m an outgoing, fun-loving person with an infectious spirit. I love working with children as they are full of energy, wonderment and, most of all, honest . They’re like kindred spirits really.

Ime in priimek: Beverley Layzell

Starost: Not important

Izobrazba: High school

Dodatna strokovna izobraževanja: Qualified project manager

Certifikati, Diplome, Priznanja: PRINCE2 Project Manager, APM Project Management Qualification

Delovna doba v vrtcu Montessori: Since July 2017

Specializacija v vrtcu Montessori: Pomočnica v angleškem jeziku

Kaj delam ali o čem govorim takrat, ko sem polna energije in veselja?

Pojem, plešem, berem. Ustvarjam plesne koreografije in pišem rime.

Kaj vidim kot mojo posebno veščino, s katero sem obdarjena?

Vzpostavljanje odnosov in povezovanje ljudi.

Kaj so tri moje kvalitete, ki bi jih posebej izpostavila?

Rada sem med ljudmi, odprta in ljubeča.

Hobiji in teme, ki me zanimajo izven delovnega časa

Petje, ples, branje.

Po čem sem prepoznavna?

Sem glasna, imam naglas cockney in imam smešno pobarvane lase.

Najljubša vloga v prostem času

Kuhar in pek.

3 besede, ki me najbolje opišejo

Glasna, prijazna, odprta.

Besede s katerimi me največkrat opišejo drugi

Prijazna, energična, ustvarjalna, radovedna, igriva, prijazna, naravna.

3 stavki, ki me najbolje opišejo

Včasih sem preveč pozorna na podrobnosti in to mi preprečuje, da bi delo zaključila.

Ljubim veselje, rada sem luč življenja in človeške psihe – včasih s pridihom sarkazma.

Sem intuitivna in rada sem v naravi.

Lastnosti, ki jih najbolj cenim pri drugih

Poštenost, smisel za humor